


Dongtai Fu De Machinery Co., Ltd.
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  • Application and maintenance of pile hammer(8)
  • 2018/3/19 Times of reading:[1197]
  • Method of mixing water into fuel tank

    When refueling, because the fuel tank contains water, so that water mixed into the fuel tank, resulting in diesel hammer work abnormally.

    Methods of elimination:

    Remove the fuel pipe on the fuel pump, drain water until the flow is completely diesel oil, and then give the fuel pump exhaust. Remove the cylinder locking screw, place the fuel pump in zero gear, lift the landing gear and the upper piston, punch several times, remove the water in the cylinder, and then install the locking screw.

Copyright:Dongtai Fu De Machinery Co., Ltd. Telephone:+86.013770259688 Record number:Su ICP 18011909. Technical support:Sike Network
Telephone:+86.0515-88102095 Website:www.fdmachine.com Email:ldyc@sina.com Address:No. 16 Zhenxing Road, Dongtai Development Zone
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